USA : Biggest threat to Russia?

Russia's vast 37,650 km (23,400 miles) coastline, which stretches from the Sea of Japan to the White Sea, also includes the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. For strengthening that magnitude, President Vladimir Putin on Sunday signed a new naval doctrine which cast the United States as Russia's main rival and set out Russia's global maritime ambitions for crucial areas such as the Arctic and the Black Sea.

After inspecting the navy, Putin made a short speech in which he promised what he touted as Russia's unique Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, cautioning that Russia had the military clout to defeat any potential aggressors. Hypersonic weapons can travel at nine times the speed of sound, and Russia has conducted previous test launches of the Zircon from warships and submarines over the past year.

Shortly before the speech, he signed a new 55-page naval doctrine, which sets out the broad strategic aims of Russia's navy, including its ambitions as a "great maritime power" which extends over the entire world.

The main threat to Russia, the doctrine says, is "the strategic policy of the USA to dominate the world's oceans" and the movement of the NATO military alliance closer to Russia's borders. According to the doctrine, Russia's priority was to develop strategic and naval cooperation with India as well as broader cooperation with Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other states in the region.

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