Dipping Commodities and the fear of nearing Recession

Yesterday, Marko Kolanovic, a strategist at JP Morgan, widely regarded as a "bull" on Wall Street for being an investor, said, "It's time to trim Stocks, and buy commodities". With the world's national banks and the Federal Reserve increasing interest rates, it is hard to contradict his words.

Past History - With the gas and oil prices rising in the early months of 2022, the demand for oil dropped, which in turn lowered the current price of oil and gas. This leads to the prices of almost every commodity such as gold, copper, etc to drop significantly. Also, the US President, Joe Biden visited UAE and talked about pumping more and more oil. As the cheap oil is produced, logistics for other commodities eased out. 

Today even Iran-USA nuclear deals went ahead, which could potentially reduce oil prices further by pushing Iran's Crude exports. 

Effects - With the winter approaching, and Russia still not supplying oil to Europe amidst its heatwaves and harsh approaching winter, prices of oil are likely to increase in the longer run, thus increasing the prices of every commodity. On Wall Street, high-interest rates are taking large sums of money out of the market, thus creating possibilities of stock market recessions.

Hence even the "staunchest" Bull said to move away from stocks for a while.

What's in it for you - The banks have already increased their rates by a lot in the past quarter, and the economy was in a drop for the last 2 consecutive quarters, which signifies a *potential* recession. Thus the idea to diversify the portfolio is the best risk-free idea currently.

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Iran's deal, and the lowering of commodities

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