Gas Deal between EU and Algeria

 To cut the imports from Russia, EU is planning to import gases from a gas field in Algeria in North Africa. Algeria provides around 8% of the Europe’s gas imports currently which is expected to increase in further times. Data and statistics tell us that Algeria has been leaking methane for four decades. Most emissions occur through the compressor station at Hassi R’Mel.However, Sonatrech, a Algerian state oil and gas company that operates the Hassi R’Mel gas field claims that it has reduced gas emission from  billion to 3 billion cubic metres per year. As per geoanalytics company kayrro SAS.


Methane is a  very harmful Greenhouse gas. Methane has 84 times more wearming power than CO2. Algeria is one of the biggest Methane gas producers.  Around 46 billion cubic meters of the gas a year is lost to unnecessary venting or flaring. Also, clouds of methane were observed by a satellite above Algeria. Apart from these, Algeria didn’t join more than 100 countries in signing a pledge in November at COP26 in Glasgow to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030.

Plans to stop:

EU came up with an idea of ‘You Collect, We Buy’ which actually proposes Algeria to collect all the gas emitted and sell it to Europe. This idea was praised by the US as well as global director for super pollutants at Clean air task force. Apart from these, Algeria can also increase the use of methane as a fuel.

What this means to world:

Algeria’s economy could take a boost due to increase in demand of gas from European countries. The gas rate of Russia is expected to decrease because of this deal between European countries and Algeria.  There is a possibility of a rift between Spain and Italy.This is because Spain annoyed Algeria by backing a Moroccan effort to grant limited autonomy to Western Sahara, a former Spanish colonyAlso, Algeria shutdown a gas pipeline running across Morocco to Spain, although it insists that supplies to the Iberian Peninsula will continue through the remaining undersea Medgaz pipeline.On the other hand, Italy highly supports deal with Algeria as it will contribute greatly to its economic development.

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