US bonds to likely push Russia towards a default.

 27 May 2022

Russia has to pay 40 billion dollars of bonds acquired till now. This year's amounts sum up to be around 2 billion dollar payments. On March 2, the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control i.e. OFAC, allowed Russia to settle its bond interests with the USA. To date, from Feb 22nd, Russia has managed to pay its interests on 7 bonds. It has to pay around 100 million by 27th May with grace periods extending up to 24th June.

Causes :

When a country/institution needs to raise money, it issues bonds; which are nothing but debts, on which the interest needs to be paid twice an annum until the initial money and the interests are paid off. Russia has 3 types of bond payments remaining. 1) The bonds before 2014 2) The bonds after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 3) The bonds after 2018. The 1st and 2nd category bonds need to be paid in the respective currencies in which the bonds were issued, but the 3rd category bonds can be paid in roubles too. The second and 3rd category bonds are settled at Russia's NSD i.e. the National Settlement Depository.

As the US entities were not willing to extend the date of the licence, the Russian finance ministry started offsetting the interest payments worth 71.25 million and 28 million USD respectively. Since the money is being settled at NSD in roubles, the ministry is considering the payments done. But the ministry also announced that the money will not be deposited into the bondholders' accounts until Russia's gold reserves are unfrozen (The sanctions the US applied after the Ukraine-Russia war).

 Effects :

As this money is not issued in the bondholders' accounts, it would result in defaults i.e. the sanction of CDS (Credit default swaps) as an insurance to the bondholders. This will be decided by the IMF and the major banks by 24th June when the CDS will be triggered.

What this means for you :

If you are an FX trader, and if Russia is able to pay off the settlements without the default acting, you can surely take a bullish pathway on Roubles vs Dollar charts, as the debts are settling off, the money will now be available to the public to increase the economy and strengthen the currency further.

As for the future bond payments are concerned, they are on June 23 and June 24 the latter one being 159 million on the bond issued in 1998.

To date, Russia has 2.54 billion USD in CDS. 

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